Suggested activities 6th class 27th April – 1st May
The website used here is It is very useful for revision of other topics. You might like to have a look.
Ms McKay’s History – Continue with project and research from last week
Small World History Chapters 16 and 17 pages 86 and 90 Northern Ireland and The Troubles
Mr Devlin’s class: Last week you researched either Michael Collins or Eamon De Valera. Do a project on one of these people.
Geography: Last week you chose a European Country to research. Do a project on this country. Use Duolingo to look up these phrases in the language of the country you studied.
Follow the link and look at all the different pictures and names of the birds
Pick 2 birds and do a short fact file on each.
If you have a garden, do some bird watching over the next few days. See if you can identify what bird it is. Use this site to help you. It has a magazine all about bird watching and birds in Ireland. Look out for Birds Detective 17 Summer.
Grow in Love
There is a theme each week. Each week they pick 3 winners.
Ms O’Shaughnessy’s Maths group:
If you are in my Maths group, you might like to do some of the following problems or activities. There is no pressure to do any of them! Also, you don’t have to be in my Maths group to do them, if you are finished your other work and are looking for something to do, have a go! Keep a record of your rough-work and answers as hopefully we’ll be able to share our problem-solving strategies next week.
Monday: Ava’s age last year was a multiple of 9. Next year it will be a multiple of 7. What age is she now?
Tuesday: A florist has 48 roses and 30 carnations that she wants to arrange into bunches so that there is exactly the same number of each flower in every bunch.
Wednesday: Look at the following number and answer the questions:
True or False:
Thursday: On Monday, Melissa told a joke to 4 friends. On Tuesday, each of these friends told the joke to 4 other children and on Wednesday each of these told the joke to 4 other children.
Friday: Last year Tom’s age was a square number. Next year his age will be a cubed number.
Maths language revision:
Can you explain the following terms? If not, look them up. You might like to add them to a “dictionary” (back of your copy, A4 page etc). Be as specific as you can when giving your definition
Challenge of the week (only if you have time on your hands, it’s just to stretch your brains!):
Visit the webiste
You can also access it via the Maths Ireland website at
Choose one activity daily from one of the puzzle books. Book 6 is for age 11+ but you may prefer to start with Book 5 or 4 as they are quite tricky. Record your rough-work. You might like to take a picture of your work for use at a later stage.
Ms O’Shaughnessy’s English group:
If you are in my English group, have a look at these activities. Do the activities that apply to you . Not all of the suggestions will apply to each girl that comes to the group so if it doesn’t make sense to you, don’t worry!
MRAH Book 6:
Monday: p.70 The History of Venice
Tuesday: p. 71 The Curious Case of Lambert Simmel
Wednesday: p. 73 The Tennis Court
Thursday : p. 74 Pandora’s Box
Friday: p.75 Vermeer, A Dutch Master.
Activity A: Choose one of these texts and summarise the main points of the text.
Activity B: Visit to read about Greek mythology. You might like to write a report about another Greek myth or legend. Think about the following things? Classification: What type of text is this? Description: What happened? Place/ Time: Where/ What? Summarising Comment.
MRAH Book 4:
Monday: P. 70 Marathon
Tuesday: P.71 J.F.K
Wednesday: P. 72 First to the South Pole
Thursday: P.73 Joker
Friday: P. 74 Mummy!
Activity A: Tom Crean was part of the famous expedition to the South Pole. Can you read some more about him and write a short report. Think about the following things? Classification: What type of text is this? Description: What happened? Place/ Time: Where/ What? Summarising Comment.
Activity B: Continue with English workbook if you have it- do one page a day (this applies to some girls only)
For all girls attending the group: Word of the Day- look up the word and add to your dictionary
( this can just be a page at the back of your copy). Use the word in a sentence:
Some Favourite Words
Mugwump, chubby, dunk and whoa,
Swizzle. Doom and snoop,
Flummox, lilt and afterglow,
Gruff, bamboozle, whoop
And nincompoop.
Wallow, jungle, lumber, sigh,
Ooze and zodiac,
Innuendo, lullaby,
Ramp and mope and quack
And paddywhack.
Moony, undone, lush and bole,
Inkling, tusk, guffaw,
Waspish, croon and cubby-hole,
Fern, fawn, Dumbledore…..
And many more….
Richard Edwards
Follow-up Activities:
Scoil Bhríde Cailíní
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Dublin 15
Phone: 01-8201717
Registered Charity Number: 20119003
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