See activities:
Pick one of these story titles. Please write 1 page a day:
(Stories can be longer than 1 page if you wish, but make sure you are writing one page per day! Make sure children are re-reading their own work and changing any mistakes that they see.)
Healthy Eating
The Vikings
My Locality (where you live!)
If you have permission, you can use the internet to search for information.
This is to be completed over the course of a number of days.
Use the card provided to complete your project. Remember- the most important thing is that you are showing me new information. You can do this through facts, pictures or both. You can print off a computer or hand-write the information. Use your SESE books if you like!
Please consider doing some of these activities also…….
Play a board game
Play a game of cards
Draw a self portrait
Play games with dice
Make a scrapbook
Put on a play
Make paper aeroplanes
If you like please keep a little diary of all your activity – we would be delighted to see this diary when we return to school.
Scoil Bhríde Cailíní
Church Avenue
Dublin 15
Phone: 01-8201717
Registered Charity Number: 20119003
© Copyright 2016
© Copyright 2020 Scoil Bhríde Cailíní