Suggested Activities 27th April-1st May
- 3D shapes: Cube, Cone, Sphere, Cylinder and Cuboid (new)
- Read our 3D shapes poem

- This activity works best if you can find one example of each of the 3D shapes.
- Can you count the faces on the 3D shapes?
- Can you count the corners?
- Can you find any 2D shapes on the faces of the 3D shapes?
- Continue to revise and write a letter each day, do this in your phonics homework book. What is the letter’s name? What sound does it make? Can you spot anything in the house that starts with the letter?
- This video revises all 26 sounds and letter names:
- Our story this week is Elmer (Ms. Meenagh’s favourite ever picture book!) Here is a video of the author and illustrator David McKee reading the book:
- Here is the second Elmer story read by Ms. Gilroy. Can you answer her questions?
- This video is in two parts.
- Draw a picture of your favourite part of the stories. Can you write a simple sentence with your picture like “Here is Elmer.” “Elmer is not grey.” Send photographs to
- New reading words for our next reader: Dad too at jumps I
- Copy down your new words to practise writing. Can you make a simple sentence for each word?
- Our new reader will be Splash! And we will access it on you can set up a free parents account and see all the Reading Zone books there.
- Please practise your colours as Gaeilge. In this video Ms. Meenagh pronounces the words for you: dearg, bán, bándearg, gorm, buí, glas
- Seo é _______. (Dearg, bán, bándearg, gorm, buí, glas) Here is ___.
- An maith leat _____? (Dearg, bán, bándearg, gorm, buí, glas)Do you like___?
- Is maith liom _____.(Dearg, bán, bándearg, gorm, buí, glas)I like ____.
- Ní maith liom _____.(Dearg, bán, bándearg, gorm, buí, glas) I don’t like ___.
- Can you use your words “Seo é _____.” to point at the different colours on Elmer.
- Science: Ms. Toomey shows you how to make Play Dough. Ingredients: 1 cup flour, ½ cup salt, water and food colouring.
- Draw three pictures to show the process of how to make Play Dough. What do you do First, Next and Last? Send photographs to
Section B
Please consider doing some of these activities also…….
- make an elephant like Elmer?
- can you make the letters of your name?
- can you make your 3D shape?
- Telling a story – with a familiar book ask your daughter to tell you the story based on the pictures in the book. You can ask her questions to illicit more details.
- Nature Number hunt – can you collect some flowers, twigs, leaves and stones near your house? Can you make the shape of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 using your found items. Send us a photograph of your nature numbers please!
- Cutting practise – with adult supervision cutting out picture you have drawn or photographs from magazines and leaflets.
Send photos of any of these activities to us at Please include your child’s name, her teacher’s name and whether you’re happy for us to share the picture on our website.
Last week we called all parents, it was wonderful to catch up and even speak to some of the girls! If we did not get through to you, please look out for a call from a ‘private number’ to your mobile early this week.
Missing you all and hoping all of you are keeping safe and happy.
Le grá,
Ms. Gilroy and Ms. Meenagh