Dear Girls, 

Thank you so much for your great response to our new website and for the beautiful photos you have already submitted for the Home Learning Gallery. They are absolutely wonderful! There is no doubt that you are all working very hard at home and, more importantly, having fun while doing so. I saw lots of lovely smiles in the photos, which made me smile also! I really loved all your work…your Easter bonnets, your drawings, writing, art work, sewing and your baking. Well done everyone.….and Mums and Dads too. I know these things don’t happen without a lot of support from home. We really appreciate all your efforts and are already looking forward to seeing your next photos. Keep them coming please. Do have a look also at the other photos, that are located in School Life 2019-2020, under the News Tab.  


We’re delighted also girls (2nd to 6th) that you’ve engaged so well with the Seesaw app that we introduced recently. The teachers have been keeping me posted on all their communications with you. If you haven’t already downloaded the app, make sure to do it this week so you can connect with your teacher.  


I hope you have also managed to check out the Extra Challenges under the Learning from Home Tab. You will see some familiar faces there and we will be adding to this as time goes on. You might decide to begin or end your day with a little work out or activity from there! 


We really miss your smiles girls and your warm greetings every morning. You’re the best girls any school could wish for. We’re so proud of you all and the great efforts that you are making to continue your learning at home. Keep it up and be good for your Mums and Dads, as they have their own work to do also.  


Unfortunately, it now appears that we may not see you back in the school until September but we will stay in touch with you all. I know you are missing your friends but we need to be patient and follow the advice and guidelines being given to us and continue working to help each other. Why not try carrying out a random act of kindness for someone this week. You will be surprised at how good this will make you feel. Maybe you could even tell us about it or send us a photo. Wouldn’t that be something really special! 


Mind yourselves and be good. 


Paula Dargan