Hi girls! Well done for all your hard work on Seesaw the past couple of weeks. Both of us are delighted with the wonderful writing, drawing and reading that has been uploaded for us to see. For anyone that has not managed to sign up just yet, you can email scoilbg@hotmail.com and we will provide you with a new access code.
This week is the school’s Active Week. There will be plenty of activities for you to try on the school website and you might find that your tasks below involve some hidden active work! We would love for you to make a special effort this week to be extra active during the day!
-Mental Maths: Continue working through Mental Maths each day. This is a wonderful way to start the day, just like we do in school. Remember to take your time and if possible, ask someone to check your answers afterwards.
–Maths Tasks: (With an active twist!!)
-Tables: x11, x12. Write these tables out every day. By the end of the week, you will know them really well!
Here are some 11 times tables activities: https://www.timestables.com/11-times-table.html
And here are some 12 times tables activities: https://www.timestables.com/12-times-table.html
–Lines and Angles: This week we going to work with lines and angles. The lines you will learn about will be: horizontal, vertical, diagonal and parallel lines. The angle you will look at will be a right angle.
Have a look at the 3rd class online Busy at Maths Book on the following link>>https://www.cjfallon.ie. Click on ‘Parent/ Student Resources’, then click on ‘Student Resources’. Following this, you will see a list of options such as class level, subject, etc.
Click on Primary > 3rd Class > Maths > Busy at Maths > Busy at Maths- 3rd Class > Online Book. You may be asked to put in your name and address to access the book. Once the cover comes up, enter Page 128 in the top right-hand corner.
There are activities based on lines and angles on pages 128-131. Try to do one page a day.
*****There will be some work uploaded onto Seesaw this week where you will work with lines and angles*****
–Spellcheck: Continue with your spellcheck work, doing 2 pages each week (16 spellings and the related activities). Parents can test these words on a Friday if they wish.
-Reading: Read, read, read and then read some more! It is very important that we read everyday (15 minutes minimum) as it helps with all of our work, even in maths. Very often we need to read a maths problem to understand what we need to do!
-30 seconds talking challenge: For this game, you will need to play with someone else in your house. They will look at the topics below and then pick one for you. Your job is to see if you can talk about it for 30 seconds….it’s harder than you think!!
To add an active element to this, try marching on the spot while you talk (or even jog if you’re feeling adventurous!)
Question Writing: Below you will find sentences. These are the answers to different questions but what are the questions? It is your job to think of a suitable question for each answer.
For example: The answer is: ‘It is cold and windy today.’ A suitable question would be: ‘What is the weather today?’
-Procedural Writing: Have you ever looked at a recipe in a cookbook or looked at instructions for how to set up some new technology in your house? Well, these are all examples of Procedural Writing. It is your job to think of something that needs some Procedural Writing in order to explain it to someone else (a recipe, a science experiment, how to make slime, how to ride a bicycle, etc.). Here is a short video explaining how to do Procedural Writing properly: https://youtu.be/xvGeBcfysDo
We would love to see your Procedural Writing so upload it on to Seesaw if you like.
-Handwriting Book: Keep working your way through this book. If you are finished, practice your joint handwriting on pieces of paper and this will make it easier when it comes to writing this way in 4th class next year.
Spellings: Pick 2 each day to work on and then you can test yourself on all 10 of them on Friday.
Seomra codlata (the bedroom), leaba (bed), seilf (shelf), urlár (floor), fuinneog (window), doras (door), leabhar (book), bréagán (toy), bosca bruscair (rubbish bin), cófra (cupboard/press)
Writing: Look at pages 80 and 81 in your Bun go Barr.
If you don’t have your book, you can access it on the cjfallon website, just like the maths book above. Click on ‘Parent/ Student Resources’, then click on ‘Student Resources’. Following this, you will see a list of options such as class level, subject, etc.
Click on Primary > 3rd Class > Gaeilge > Bun go Barr > Bun go Barr 3 > Online Book. You may be asked to put in your name and address to access the book. Once the cover comes up, enter Page 80/81 in the top right-hand corner.
Your job is to write sentences based on what you see in the two pages. For example:
Exercise: Here is a new workout video for you to try out:
There will be plenty of activities on the school website as part of the school’s Active Week which is taking place this week. Give http://www.scoilbhridecailini.ie/ a look to see all the fun activities for you to try! There also might be a special video from the teachers that you certainly won’t want to miss!
Obstacle Course Challenge: If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, you might like to set up an obstacle course (remember it needs to be safe!). This could include jumping over a rope, kicking a ball against a wall, running to the end of the garden and then finishing by doing 5 jumping jacks….it can be nice and simple. We would love to see pictures of you doing anything active. You can send these photos to photos@scoilbhridecailini.ie. Include your name and your class when you do this.
Music: https://youtu.be/pFKRwWsfjno
This is a link for some fun singing and body percussion along to the music of a folk song from the Maori people in New Zealand. The first try might be tricky but keep practicing and you’ll get the hang of it. You can get people in your house to try it along with you!
*****Be sure to check out the ‘Extra Challenges’ section of the school website under the tab ‘Learning from home’ and the ‘Active Home Week’ button on the homepage to see some really fun extra challenges made by some of the teachers!*****
*****Watch our very own Ms Ní Chíosain on Home School Hub on RTE 2 every day from 11a.m to 12p.m.*****
Section B
Ways to include activity in your daily routine:
Ms O’Shaughnessy’s Maths group:
Hi girls, I hope you have enjoyed the good weather this week. I was so delighted to see your work on Seesaw, it is lovely to be able to interact with you. Remember, you can ask me questions about the maths work if you are having any difficulties with it.
This work is optional so only do it if you have time on your hands. If you can’t do any part of it, do not stress, just do your best!
Table Challenges: This week your class are focusing on the x11 and x12 Tables. Do any/all of the following activities (you could choose one per day).
a. How quickly can you say the multiples for each Table? Ex.11, 22, 33, 44 etc. Time yourself. Can you improve on your time each day? Practice saying them and writing them down
b. Can you say the multiples backwards with and without a multiplication square/ table book? Again, time yourself; can you improve on your time? Practice saying and writing them.
c. Multiplication tennis-if you can find someone in your house to play with, play multiplication tennis. Use a table book or your homework journal or write out the multiples to help you. Start on a particular multiple and “bat” the numbers forwards and back: Ex: Person A says “24”, B says “36”, A says “48” etc. Change the number that you start on. For an extra challenge, ask person B to say the multiple that comes before Ex: A says 24, B says 12.
d. Write out the multiples for the x11 and x12 tables. What is the biggest 3 digit number you can make? __ _ _. What is the smallest 3 digit number you can make?
If you like, you could record yourself doing one of these challenges and upload it to Seesaw. I might even upload one myself!
Target Numbers:
Make these numbers in as many different ways as possible. Do one each day. Try and use at least 3 of the operations-addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Ex: 35= 5 x 7, 30 +5, 40-5 etc. This could be a nice little activity to show me on Seesaw.
Monday: 26
Tuesday: 49
Wednesday: 101
Thursday: 19
Friday: 80
As you have a lot of Active work this week, I will add an optional extra on Seesaw but there is absolutely no pressure to do it!
Ms. Mc Keon’s English Group
Hi Girls, it’s great to see all the fantastic work some of you are doing on Seesaw . Keep up the good work.
Read the book about the Panda on Seesaw and have a look at the activities
You can practise reading a page from any book and post it on Seesaw. I’d love to hear you read.
If you have My Read at Home Book 2 at home you might like to read the following stories.
Write the answers to the questions in your copy. Take a photo and upload to Seesaw.
Enjoy Active HOME Week
Scoil Bhríde Cailíní
Church Avenue
Dublin 15
Phone: 01-8201717
Email: office@scoilbhridecailini.ie
Registered Charity Number: 20119003
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© Copyright 2020 Scoil Bhríde Cailíní