School Tour Week 2nd-5th June

Infant Virtual Tours 2020 


Hello Girls and welcome to our school tour. It is not as we expected but we hope you join us on this adventure and have lots of fun! 


Our School Tours are to… 



  • Let’s work with Ms.  Toomey as she tells us all about Antarctica – 


Follow-Up Questions 

  • Would you like to go to Antarctica? Why/ why not? 
  • What was your favourite thing about Antarctica? Why? 
  • What wildlife did you see? 
  • How is Antarctica different to Ireland? 
  • Draw a picture of Antarctica and try to include as many things from the virtual tour as you can. 
  • Write a sentence about Antarctica. For example: 
  • My favourite thing about Antarctica is… 
  • The weather in Antarctica is … 


Follow-up Activities: 

  • Pretend to be different animals from Antarctica by trying these yoga poses! 

  • Listen to  the story “One Day On Our Blue Planet” by Ella Bailey 


  • Did you like this story? Why? Why not? 
  • What was your favourite part? 
  • Draw what came first, next and last. 
  • Look up some more pictures of Antarctica 





Dublin Zoo 

We’re going on a virtual tour of Dublin Zoo. Let’s go! ual-tours-2/ 



Did you know Ms. Meenaghs favourite animals are penguins! Could you spot any penguins at Dublin Zoo? 


The Zoo has a live cam feed of the penguins and they’re fed daily at 14:30, if you want to check it out! 

Here are the Humboldt Penguins in Dublin Zoo –  


Sometimes the penguins are hiding so here is a different video of penguins to watch if they’re not there on the live cam. African Penguins walking through The Florida Aquarium  

Can you make the same noise as the African Penguins? 


There are lots of different types of penguins in the world. Here’s a video that tells you about three different types.   

Three Types of Penguins –  

Try to draw your favourite type. Where does this type of penguin live? See if you can tell if you’re taller or shorter than your favourite type of penguin (parents will need to help with this.) 


Penguin fitness challenge 


  • Here’s a follow along dance, pretend to be a penguin! The Penguin Dance –  
  • Can you try to walk like a penguin? Your two ankles are together and then you waddle, waddle, waddle.
  • See if you can have a penguin race with someone from your family! But remember you can’t run; you have to waddle like a penguin!



Now let’s work with Ms. McGeough who is going to take us on a “Rumble in The Jungle”! 


Rumble in the Jungle  

We are going to see Asian elephants in Dublin Zoo. Watch this video from 1:56 to see the amazing elephants!  

Click on this link below to learn more about elephants.  

  • What is the name of an elephant’s nose? 
  • Do you think elephants belong in Ireland? If not, where would you find elephants in their natural habitat? 
  • In Dublin Zoo, why were the elephants in the water? What do humans do when they are too hot/need to clean themselves? 
  • Which story did Ms. Gilroy read that was about a multi-coloured elephant? 
  • Could you think of 3 words to describe an elephant? 
  • How does an elephant move? How do you move differently from an elephant? 
  • Let’s see if we can move like an elephant. Watch the videos below from the movie ‘The Jungle Book’ and try to copy how the elephants march. 

  • Let’s see how incredibly smart elephants are!  

Elephants Working Together:  


Now let’s listen to the story ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ to look at other zoo animals. Watch this link: 

  • Can you see any animals that are also in Dublin Zoo? 
  • Are there any farm animals in this story? Why/why not? 
  • Can you make any of the sounds that the animals in this story make? 
  • Draw a picture of your favourite animal from the story. 
  • If your need help, here are some links to help you draw an animal from the story: 












  • Write a sentence about your favourite animal. For example: 

My favourite animal is a ____ because ____. 

It has ____ legs. 

It is the colour ____. 


Now that you have had a rumble in the Jungle, let’s take a closer look at the King of the Jungle with Ms. Gilroy 


Walking Through the Jungle – King of the Jungle!  


Hello Everyone! We hope you enjoyed your virtual tour around Dublin Zoo! 


Here are a few things we would like to know… 

  • What was your favourite animal that you saw? Why? 
  • What does the Lion like to eat? 
  • What animal in the Zoo loves to climb on trees? 
  • Can you write a sentence about your favourite animal? 


Next, take a look at the Story – Walking through the Jungle 

  • Did you like the story? Why or Why not? 
  • What sound does a Lion make? 
  • Would you like to see a Lion, why or why not? 
  • What does the Lion look like? 
  • What colour is the Lion? 
  • Do you know the word for Lion in another language? 


Why don’t you try to draw your own Lion, using this video to help you! 

Don’t forget the Lion’s Mane, Tail and Four legs! 




We hope you enjoyed your virtual tours and activities, as always we would love to see your work. So please, email us  


Le Grá, 

The Infant Team.