Suggested Activities 8th-12th June
Hello everyone!
We hope you all enjoyed your week off and spent time playing outside in the sun!
We also hope that you had a great time on your virtual tour, and as always we would love to see the work you did. Please send us your photos to
If you would like to send us photos or an email, but do not want your photos posted on the website just let us know. We would still love to hear from you!
We know it’s a hectic time for lots of families so please don’t feel under pressure to do all the activities below.
Measure – Money
- Practise recognising coins – 1c, 2c, 5c, 10c and 20c
- Watch Ms. Toomey’s Videos and try her activities.
- Group these coins to make sets. Use your mathematical language! “I have a set of 3 2c coins.”
- Watch Ms. Toomey’s Let’s go shopping 1. After you watch her video, try to set up your own shop. With someone in your family, take turns being the customer and the shop keeper.
- Now that you know all your coins, let’s practice counting them! Look at how Ms. Toomey counts her coins in the video below
- Why don’t you try some of these sums at home, use your pasta for help!
1c and 1c make ____
2c and 1c make_____
2c and 2c make_____
1c and 1c and 1c make_____
2c and 2c and 1c make_____
- Please write 1-2 sentences about what you did on our week off, you can draw a picture of what you did.
- Continue to revise and write a letter each day, do this in your phonics homework book. What is the letter’s name? What sound does it make? Can you find something that starts with the letter?
- If you have finished all the letters, please begin to revise them from the beginning – focus on correct lower-case letter formation.
- Revise your letter sounds – Can you sing the alphabet by pointing to each letter as you sing?
This week Ms. McGeough is teaching us about word families
- Can you help Ms. McGeough make words that belong to the – ip family.
- Watch her video here:
- Can you think of any more words belonging to the ip family? Can you draw pictures of these words?
- Can you make your own cups for the word families –op , -en and –ot ?
- Look at phonics lesson
- Can you play musical plates with Ms. McGeough?
- Time to play Word Family Tennis! Watch Ms. McGeough play Tennis with Teddy
- Can you play word family tennis with someone in your house?
- Our Reader: Splash! Available online on you can set up a free parents account and see all the Reading Zone books there.
Téidí agus Ainmhithe na Feirme. – Teddy and the Animals on the Farm.
Listen to Ms. Gilroy read the story
Video – All words pronounced in Video.
- Teddy – Teddy
- Feirm – farm
- Ocras – Hungry
- Ubh – Egg
- Madra – Dog
- Cat – cat
- Caora – Sheep
- Uan – lamb
- Muc – Pig
- Banbh- piglet
- Bó – Cow
- Capall – horse
- Cearc – Hen
- Gé- goose
- Lacha – Duck
- Turcaí – Turkey
- Fuair mé – I got
Suggested activities:
- Draw pictures of each of these Animals and make your own flashcards.
- Watch the Story again. This time, when Teddy asks each animal for an egg, point to the correct animal that Teddy is asking. (Have you got and egg sheep? Pick up the sheep flashcard. )
- Who am I? – in pairs or in a group, make the sound of an animal on the farm. The other person must guess (in Irish) which animal they are.
- Cluiche Kim: line the flashcards up in a row. Point to each card and say the word. Tell your child to close her eyes and then remove one card. When she opens her eyes again she must guess which card is missing.
- Do you know how to say any of these words in a different language?
- Act out the story, help Teddy to ask the animals for the eggs. – “ An Bhfuil ubh agat?”( on will uv ah gut ) – have you got an egg? (pronounced and repeated in story.)
- Don’t worry if your child does not understand every word in the story. It is only important they understand they main vocabulary.
- TG4 an Irish Broadcaster on television has a version of RTÉ’s home school hub. Find it here –
- Naíonáin is Infant level. Dé Luain(Monday), Dé Máirt (Tuesday) , Dé Céadaoin (Wednesday), Déardaoin(Thursday), Dé hAoine (Friday)
Science – Minibeast hunt
Watch Ms. Meenagh go on a minibeast hunt!
- What minibeasts did she find?
- How many legs does an insect have?
- Does an insect have antennae?
- Can you tell if the minibeasts in this picture are insects or not?

Head outside and see if you can find any minibeasts near you. Take photographs or draw pictures and send them into us
Music – The Bare Necessities
Listen to Ms. Meenagh sing The Bare Necessities on the ukulele. There are two minibeasts named in the song – did you hear what they were?
Sing along if you know the words!
Section B
Please consider doing some of the following…
Thank you so much to everyone for sending photographs of your work. Send photos of any of these activities to us at Please include your child’s name, her teacher’s name and whether you’re happy for us to share the picture on our website. We put photographs up every Thursday, so keep an eye out for you and your friends’ work!
Missing you all and hoping all of you are keeping safe and happy.
Le grá,
Ms. Gilroy and Ms. Meenagh