Hi girls,
I hope you enjoyed the virtual school tours last week. Even from our own homes we can learn so much about the world around us. We’ve now entered the month of June, our last month in 5th class! Just because we are working from home doesn’t mean we won’t have fun over the next few weeks. For this month I will include many fun activities as well as the regular class work. You’ve all been doing so well with working from home and uploading to Seesaw. Lets all try our best for these last few weeks too!
Ms. O’Reilly
Mental Maths:
Continue to complete one mental maths activity each day. (Don’t forget about Problem Solving!)
Answers: https://www.prim-ed.ie/contentfiles/41635_NWMM_TM_5th_Class.pdf
Daily 10:
10 minutes each day. Level 4 activities. Set timers to an appropriate time for you!
If you feel ready, move on to Level 5 activites!
(Try a mixture of all activities each day – Addition, subtraction, ordering, partitioning, values, rounding, multiplication, division, doubles/halves, fractions)
Shape and Space: Area
Mathemagic 5 : Chapter 26 (Area)
Maths book can be found online via the CJFallon online resource bank. Follow these steps to access the book.
Primary > 5th class > Maths > Mathemagic> Mathemagic 5 > Online Book.
Complete the chapter in your own time. Pages 121 – 126
Pages 125 and 126 involve lots of problem solving. Find videos on Seesaw to help with there.
Watch this introduction to the concept of area: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uKKl8R1xBM
Tips to remember:
Seesaw Art project: Draw a “Minecraft” selfie. You will need a sheet of squared paper (from your maths copy) and your imagination.
Post this selfie on Seesaw!
When you have completed your selfie find:
Ms. Mc Keon’s Maths Group
1.Write these times using am or pm
Examples: ½ past 2 in afternoon = 2.30 pm ¼ to 4 in morning – 3.45 am
Digital watches and clocks often show time in 24 hour time.
Examples: 2.15 am = 02.15 7.30 pm = 19.30 10.30 pm = 22.30
(Remember to add 12 to pm times)
2.Write these times using the 24 hour clock .
3.Write these times using am or pm
Example: 09.40 = 9.40 am 20.10 = 8.10 pm
Try more questions like this on p.136-138 Maths Matters 5.
Try adding hrs and mins.
Hrs Mins
2 15
1 30
+3 25
6 hrs 70mins = 7hrs 10 mins (change the 70 minutes into 1hr 10 mins and add the hour to the 6 hrs))
Hrs Mins
3 35
2 40
1 30
6 hrs 105mins = 7hrs 45 mins
Add. 1) 2 hrs. 15 mins + 1 hr. 30 mins + 3 hrs 25 mins.
2) 3hrs. 35 mins + 2 hrs 40 mins + 1 hr. 30 mins
Ms. Mc Keon’s 5th Class Maths Group
Reminder: Area describes the size of a surface
Large areas are measured in metres squared m2
Small areas are measured in centimetres squared cm2
To find the area of a rectangle multiply the length by the width ( L x W )
Example: Length of a rectangle = 6cm Width = 4 cm
Area = 6cm x 4cm = 24 cm2
Find the area of these rectangles:
1) Length = 7cm, Width = 3cm . Area =
2) Length = 8cm , width = 6 cm. Area =
3) Length = 12cm, Width = 9 cm. Area=
4) Length = 16cm. Width = 4 cm. Area =
5) Length = 27cm. Width = 13cm. Area=
6) Length = 34 m. Width = 7 m. Area =
Area of a square
Remember , in a square all four sides are the same , so length and width are equal.
To find the area of a square multiply length ( side ) by width ( side)
In a square where all 4 sides are 5 cm. Area is 5cm x 5cm = 25 cm2
Find the area of these squares.
1) Side = 9cm. Area =
2) Side = 6 cm. Area =
3) Side = 10 m. Area =
4) Side = 3cm. Area =
5) Side =8m. Area =
6) Side = 4.5 cm. Area =
**** Post your work on Seesaw****
The final chapters of Fields of Home will be uploaded this week.
Writing to Socialise
At the moment, we are relying on written communication to stay in touch with our loved ones.
In all of our language we write to communicate with others. Whether we are writing a letter, an email, a text message , a seesaw post or a tweet, we are using our words to connect with others.
Sometimes we recall events, sometimes we explain something, sometimes we try to persuade others of our point of view. This week you will need to combine other writing genres to complete these activities.
Like our other genres we have a structure we should follow;
Orientation: Provides a greeting. Explains reason for communication
Body: The message
Prompt: Asking questions/ asking for action to be taken/ asking for a reply
Conclusion: Saying goodbye
Read: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:ed24b8d3-e9de-481f-b547-410c3cd2ade2
Activities: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:6693504c-8b36-4718-8c65-0a52c4d1fa9f
Helpful vocabulary: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:cb07d181-be8f-44ec-a55f-81d68816afbb
Write a letter to a loved one: Tell them about your virtual school tour. Recount what you saw and learnt on the tour. Would you recommend the tour to them? Why/ Why not? Ask them about their experiences with virtual tours.
Write a text conversation between two friends: Discuss your hopes for the upcoming summer holidays.
Check out seesaw for an emoji writing challenge.
Spellcheck: Week 28
Each day: Complete one box per day.
Just Handwriting: Complete one page each day.
Grammar: Cloze
Fill in the gaps in this text all about Taoiseach Leo Varadkar.
Part One: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:bcacd8a7-146e-48f8-a82d-5346d7cd74c0
Answers: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:f7fc77a3-d769-46fb-9b19-d2886f9f8df8
Pupils who go to Ms. Tiernan/ Ms. Mc Keon
Read at Home Book 5
If you don’t have the book at home with you go to: https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources/?levels=0&classes=0&subjects=0&serieses=0&booktitles=0&types%5B0%5D=Book+Sample
Primary > 5th class > English > Read at Home > Read at Home Book 5 > Online Book.
***Hi Girls, I hope you are all well. It’s great to see all the fantastic work you are doing on Seesaw. You can read some of these stories and when you’re ready, record yourself reading and upload to SEESAW. I’d love to hear you .You can answer the questions orally if you like and record them too or write the answers, take a photo and upload too.***
Monday: Jack’s Holiday Checklist p.8
Tuesday: The Leader p.9
Wednesday: Pinata p.11
Thursday: I Take my hat off to you p.14
Read each story twice.
Write the answers to the questions in your copy .
Choose one (or more of the following activities if you have time):
1) Decide on somewhere you would like to go on holiday. Write a list of items you would bring with you.
2) Finish the story on p. 9. Where do you think Nicholas brought the scouts?
3) Design your own pinata after reading p. 11
4) Name all the different hats that were mentioned on p. 14
( SNIP Spelling Programme Part 2 )
Session 7
( guard, site, goes, height, caught, said, queue, brief, huge )
Learn the spellings following LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK
Do one activity each day. Get someone at home to give you a little test on Friday.(or test yourself)
Léigh sa Bhaile: Read a page each day and listen to the audio. Tell a parent/ sibling what the text was all about.
Primary > 5th class > Gaeilge > Léigh sa Bhaile> Léigh sa bhaile Leabhar E > Online Book.
Audio Clips of the reading can be found also.
Primary > 5th class > Gaeilge > Léigh sa Bhaile> Léigh sa bhaile Leabhar E > Audio.
Seesaw Task: Choose a page from the book. Take a photo of it and further record yourself reading it aloud.
Ríra: Aonad 9: lth 24 & 25
Irish book can be found online via the CJFallon online resource bank. Follow these steps to access the book.
Primary > 5th class > Gaeilge > Ríra> Ríra 5 > Online Book.
Small World History: Unit 20 Communication
Read pages 98 – 102
Complete Activities A, B, C on page 103
Create you own printing alphabet and write your own name. Post this to Seesaw.
Small World Geography and Science: Unit 12 Communications
Read pages 67- 71
Complete activities on page 69 and on page 71
Watch this video about the evolution of the telephone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yf3dUvGNx5A
Watch this video to learn how our phones work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoBhZEgjEuA
Watch this video to learn how the internet works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXsomnDkntI
How do you think we will be communicating in 20 years?
Design a communication device that we might be using when you are turning 30 years old!
Upload your designs to Seesaw.
Create a cave drawing of your own!
Physical Education:
It might not be Active School Week but we should still try to be active for at least 60minutes each day. Try some (or all) of these active activities at home!
Remember your guidelines for being kind when we communicate with each other.
Write a letter to a younger student teaching them how we should communicate with others whether that be in person, online or in written form.
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