Dear Parent/Guardian,
I’m pleased to inform you, that the school will be introducing Zoom meetings for your daughter, starting this Thursday and Friday. All mainstream classes will have a weekly live check in with their teacher and you will receive the details/link for this tomorrow morning.
These meetings will provide an opportunity for pupils to communicate with their teacher through video, audio or both. The initial meetings will mainly take the form of a chat and a catch up and will help familiarize the children with the platform and how to engage correctly using it.
In order for your daughter to participate in Zoom calls, you will be required to consent to certain operational rules and to give your permission via Aladdin Connect. These rules are to ensure the safety of all, which is of paramount importance. Therefore, your child will not be able to participate in Zoom meetings, if we do not receive your consent.
Please be reminded that these calls are intended to facilitate teacher pupil communication. Parents should not use this platform to raise any queries with the class teachers. All queries that are work related can be addressed through Seesaw and all other queries should be directed to the school office.
As per our school Zoom rules, any recording of such calls is strictly forbidden and will be viewed as a breach, not only of these rules but also of the school’s Code of Behaviour.
We are all looking forward to using this new platform for engagement with our pupils. A lot of work has gone in to ensuring that it can be safely introduced for all and I would like to thank the staff for their hard work and commitment in this regard.
We suggest that your daughter might consider using earphones, if possible, for the meeting, to avoid any background distractions.
Finally, I’d like to thank you, our parents/guardians, for your continued support of the school and for all your engagement with online learning and Seesaw to date. I hope that you find this additional new platform beneficial in supporting your daughter and I thank you in advance for your cooperation with all the guidelines re same.
Kind regards,
Paula Dargan
Scoil Bhríde Cailíní
Church Avenue
Dublin 15
Phone: 01-8201717
Registered Charity Number: 20119003
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