Do you all remember Mark from SkipnRope? He has sent on some links to his skipping videos! Happy skipping! The main skills that Mark taught us were: Side & Front Straddle. X’s with Feet. Side Swing Jump. Crossover Arm Wrap. 360 Turn. Double Under. He has also posted some links on social media. Follow […]
READ MOREAs part of our Active Flag we took part in the Supertroopers Programme. They have introduced a Stay at Home programme. This is a live active health lesson with Tom, so that everybody at home can get involved and stay active in body and mind. Tom will be doing demonstrations of everything from Yoga breathing […]
READ MOREPlease click on the link below for some more useful breathing techniques for children and adults. Breate – Self Regulation and Relaxation Techniques for Children _PDST
READ MOREDear Parents/Guardians, We hope that you are keeping safe and well at this very challenging time. Below are two documents that are mandatory requirements as part of your daughter’s 6th Class Passport for secondary school. This passport consists of three documents- 6th Class School Report (filled by class teacher) ‘My Profile’ document (filled by the child) […]
READ MOREHello everyone, well done on all the fabulous work going on at home! Have you checked out our Home Learning gallery? We know it’s a hectic time for lots of families so please don’t feel under pressure to do all the activities below. Every household is different and whatever you are doing as a family […]
READ MOREMaths: Tables – continue revising. Maths Matters: Addition of hours and minutes p121- 124 Remember there are 60 minutes in one hour. See SEE-SAW for extra tips. Ms Shine’s class – Mental Maths – next unit. See school website for “problem of the week”. English: Spellcheck: unit 31 School website – click extra […]
READ MOREMaths: Continue Mental Maths (1 more week) Speed= Distance divided by time Distance = Speed x Time Time = Distance divided by speed Try these Find the speed (km/h) if….. A. Distance= 184km Time = 4hrs B. Distance= 455km Time = 7hrs C. Distance= 444km Time = 6hrs D. Distance= 265km Time = 5hrs […]
READ MOREHi girls! We hope that everyone is keeping well and enjoying some of our home learning activities. We were delighted to see so many of you taking part in our SEESAW activities through the app. If you have not logged onto SEESAW yet, don’t worry, a new code will be sent to your parent’s phone […]
READ MOREActivities are in stages so choose the activity appropriate to your child. Each activity should not exceed 15 minutes. Maths Shape and Space: Take a shape hunt through your home! Make a short list of 2-D shapes for her to refer to. Use spaghetti and marshmallows or jelly babies to ask your […]
READ MOREMiss Mc Geough’s Visual Literacy Challenge Hi everyone from Miss Mc Geough! I will upload a new visual literacy challenge every week. Challenge your child to finish drawing the given picture and send in their illustrations to Any child can participate from Junior Infants-6th Class. All she needs is paper, a pencil and her imagination! Click into the video below to see me explaining the challenge in further detail. Visual […]
READ MOREEnglish Two Little Frogs – Unit 21 ‘The Lion with the Smelly Breath’ p. 84-87 (Do one page each day) Discuss the magic ‘e’ with your child and how it changes a word’s sound, for example, cub – cube, ask your child to come up with her own magic ‘e’ words and make some sentences. […]
READ MOREHi girls, Well done on all your hard work last week! It’s great to see so many of you engaging with Seesaw. If you didn’t get a chance to upload work last week, do so this week. Thank you. I will continue to upload activities onto the app throughout the week. Ms Dargan has set up an email address . […]
READ MOREDear Girls, Thank you for all the marvellous work you’re doing at home and for all the photos you have continued to send in to us which we’ve put up on our Home Learning Gallery. You’re making such a great effort girls and we’re really, really proud of you. We know it’s not easy for you being at home without your friends and your teacher and so we decided that we’d like to send […]
READ MOREHi girls! We hope that you and your families are all keeping well. As we all know, some of us should have been making your communion next week. We would like you to dress up and send a photo of yourself to us. If you haven’t sent your photo, please do so by Tuesday 12th […]
READ MOREMaths Matching, Ordering and Time Watch Ms. Meenagh’s Maths lesson. Write the numbers 0-10 on a piece of paper. Cut out each number and colour the back of each number pink. Draw pictures of fruits for the numbers 0-10. Cut out each picture and colour the back of each picture blue. When you have these two sets of cards, you’re ready […]
READ MOREHi girls we hope you are keeping well at home! Here is this week’s suggested work: Maths: Tables – continue revising. See last week’s Maths Matters answers on SEE-SAW. Maths Matters: chapter 22 TIME: p117, 118, 119 and 120. Ms Shine’s class – Mental Maths – next unit. See school website for “problem of […]
READ MOREDear Girls, Thank you so much for your great response to our new website and for the beautiful photos you have already submitted for the Home Learning Gallery. They are absolutely wonderful! There is no doubt that you are all working very hard at home and, more importantly, having fun while doing so. I saw lots of lovely smiles in the […]
READ MOREHi girls! We hope that you and your families are all keeping well. We are so glad to see that so many of you took part in the activities that we have put up on seesaw for you. Don’t worry if you didn’t get a chance to log in last week, you can try this week. The code […]
READ MOREMaths: Days of the week. Watch Ms. Gilroy’s days of the week Video. Daily Practise of; What day is it Today? What day was it yesterday? And what day will it be tomorrow? Draw seven boxes on a page, draw a picture of one thing you have done each day of the week. Day and Night. […]
READ MOREActivities are in stages so choose the activity appropriate to your child. Each activity should not exceed 15 minutes. Maths Using paper circles with 1 – 10 inside, ask your child to place small items (buttons etc) inside the circle. Begin at 1 and continue to the number your child is comfortable with. Each day continue to […]
READ MOREEnglish Two Little Frogs – Unit 20 ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ p. 80-83 (Do one page each day) Spellcheck – Week 29 – Practise 3 spellings each day and have a spelling test on Friday Reading – 2/4 pages of reader each day and any other books you have at home. Read ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ in Two Little Frogs. Discuss new words and retell the […]
READ MOREHi girls, I am very impressed with the work you have been doing to date. Using Seesaw, many of you have shown me pictures of projects and reports you have completed- well done to all of you! I want to thank everyone who engaged with the Seesaw app. You will find English based activities on the app […]
READ MOREMaths Patterns, Length and 2-D Shapes Watch Miss Mc Geough’s Maths lesson. There are 5 videos. Try to make patterns using different objects in your house. Can you make patterns showing different colours? If possible, draw or make your own caterpillar showing a pattern of 2 or 3 colours. Ask an adult to start the pattern […]
READ MOREEnglish: Access the online book ‘A Way with Words’ at Read Unit 3 ‘Travellers’ and complete the activities related to this topic Compile a list of the books, television programmes and movies you have seen throughout this time. Choose 5 of each. What genre were they? What was the conflict and resolution […]
READ MOREMaths -Mental Maths: (Continue with the following weeks activities Monday to Friday review, including problem solving section) -Shapes: Can you remember the names of the 3-d shapes that we have learned about in school this year? They are Sphere Cone Cube Cuboid Traingular prism Cylinder Square based pyramid Can your remember what these shapes look […]
READ MORE22nd June Junior Maths Problem Senior Maths Problem 15th June Junior Maths Problem Answer: 23 Senior Maths Problem Answer: 11 O’Clock 8th June Junior Maths Problem Answer: Red Heart Senior Maths Problem Answer: E1.65 Well done to Jade Garcia in 4th Class! Look out for your prize […]
READ MORELook at all the great things Junior Infants have been doing at home! April 2020
READ MORELook at all the great work that is taking place at home! Well done Senior Infants!
READ MOREActivities are in stages so choose the activity appropriate to your child. Each activity should not exceed 15 minutes. Section A Suggested activities for April 27th – May 1st Maths Using paper circles with 1 – 10 inside, ask your child to place small items (buttons etc) inside the circle. Begin at 1 and continue to the number your child […]
READ MOREDear Parents/Guardians, I hope that this last week has been kind to you and that you are managing to remain in good spirits. As I write to you, I am conscious that each family’s experience of Covid-19 is very different, given their own unique circumstances. Yet in some ways our experiences are similar, in that we are all reliant in some way on […]
READ MOREAttention All Senior Classes, Exciting History Competition! 1. National Competition: Decade of Centenaries Schools Irish History Competition for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2020 The ‘Decade of Centenaries’ Irish History competition for schools (primary and post-primary) is an annual competition sponsored by the Department of Education and Skills and the School of History, UCC. It is […]
READ MOREHi girls, hope you are all well and enjoyed the break over the Easter holidays. Here are some activities for you to work on this week. Stay safe. Ms Duffy and Mr McCrudden. English Two Little Frogs – Unit 19 ‘Why Zebras Have Stripes’ p. 76-79 (Do one page each day) Spellcheck – Week 28 – Practise 3 […]
READ MOREMaths -Mental Maths: (Continue with the following week’s activities Monday to Friday review, including problem solving section) -Puzzles: Click on the following link [] and try the following puzzles in your copy: How many siblings? Handshake puzzle How old is Lucy? How many texts? World cup puzzle Try to figure these out in […]
READ MOREHi girls, I hope you are all keeping well at this time. This week I would like you to continue engaging with the work laid out for you. In addition, I would like you to set up your Seesaw account using an email address and the special code your parent should have received in a […]
READ MOREMaths: 3D shapes: Cube, Cone, Sphere, Cylinder and Cuboid (new) Read our 3D shapes poem This activity works best if you can find one example of each of the 3D shapes. Can you count the faces on the 3D shapes? Can you count the corners? Can you find any 2D shapes on the faces of the 3D […]
READ MOREMaths Counting Watch Miss Mc Geough’s Maths lesson. If possible, draw or make your own number line showing the numbers from 0-10/0-20. Practise counting forwards from 0 to 10 and backwards from 10 to 0. Count from any given number up to 10. (Eg. Count from 3 to 10) Practise Miss Mc Geough’s Number Card game with the numbers 0-10. Find […]
READ MOREMaths: -Continue to practice division and multiplication tables -Have a look at this site for some Maths games. Choose 4th grade. -See-Saw: login and try the weight activity. Send back a photo or a note with your answers. -Maths Matters: complete page 112. -Page 116 – complete. -Ms Shines class – Mental Maths – next […]
READ MOREHi girls! We hope that you all had a nice break over the Easter Holidays. Hope you enjoyed all the chocolate. We are excited for the term ahead! Hope you are enjoying the sunshine. We hope you are keeping safe at home. Remember to keep washing your hands. Below is some work for you to work on this week. Try your […]
READ MORESuggested activities 6th class 27th April – 1st May The links for CJ Fallon can be accessed by copying and pasting the link. Then choose the correct class, correct subject and the correct book. For example if you want to access Busy at Maths, choose 6th class > subject maths > series Busy at Maths. Click on the icon beside […]
READ MOREHi girls, we hope you are keeping well. Here is suggested work for the week April 20th – 24th Maths: Tables: – Continue to practise division and multiplication. – Play Bang! and tables games on Mental Maths (Ms Shine’s class): – next unit. Weight: – page 110 and 111 – page 112 – […]
READ MOREMaths: Mental Maths: Continue to complete one mental maths activity each day. (Don’t forget about Problem Solving!) Answers: Daily 10: 10 minutes each day. Level 4 activities. Set timers to an appropriate time for you! (Try a mixture of all activities each day – Addition, subtraction, ordering, partitioning, values, rounding, multiplication, division, doubles/halves, fractions) Measures (Weight) : Mathemagic 5 […]
READ MOREThe links for CJ Fallon can be accessed by copying and pasting the link. Then choose the correct class, correct subject and the correct book. For example if you want to access Busy at Maths, choose 6th class > subject maths > series Busy at Maths. Click on the icon beside the online book and you will […]
READ MOREMaths Keep practising all your multiplication tables Maths Matters pg 95, pg 96, pg 97 Do a shape search in your house. List all the 2D and 3D shapes that you can find! English Spellcheck Week 26 + 27 Reading Zone – Unit 21 – Read a number of times and do all the exercises […]
READ MOREMaths Mental Maths: Continue to complete one mental maths activity each day. (Don’t forget about Problem Solving!) Daily 10: 10 minutes each day. Level 4 activities. Set timers to an appropriate time for you! (Try a mixture of all activities each day – Addition, subtraction, ordering, partitioning, values, rounding, multiplication, division, doubles/halves, fractions) 2D […]
READ MOREMr. Devlin’s Class Maths Continue Mental Maths (Just do one week) Using this code write out your name, A=1, B=2, C=3………….. Z=26. List all the prime numbers from 0-50. (There are 15 of them) Answer these questions If a car travels 45 kilometres in 45 minutes, what is its speed? If 100g of rice costs […]
READ MOREWork Schedule 20th of April – 24th of April English Two Little Frogs – Unit 18 ‘Rapunzel’ P. 72 -75 (Do one page each day) Spellcheck– Week 27 – Practise 3 spellings each day and have a spelling test on Friday Reading – 3/4 Pages of reader each day, Read story ‘Rapunzel’ in Two Little Frogs – Discuss new words […]
READ MOREMonday 20th April – Friday 24th April Hi girls! We hope that you all had a nice break over the Easter Holidays. We hope you are keeping safe at home. Remember to keep washing your hands. Below is some work for you to work on this week. Try your best with it and we’ll be in touch with you again soon. Stay safe. Ms. […]
READ MOREThese activities should be spaced out over the week (Monday to Friday). You can have a rest on Saturday and Sunday!! If you have finished your copy from school, all this work can be completed on extra sheets you have at home. Remember to keep these sheets safe for when we go back to school. […]
READ MOREMaths Mental Maths: Next Week – Week 25/26 Go on a maths trail and look for shapes in the environment Draw and colour all the 2D shapes you find. Draw and colour all the 3D shapes you find. Revise topic on money Counting Forwards (from 1 or from another given number) Count in 2’s/ 5’s/ 10’s […]
READ MOREMaths Mental Maths: P54 and p55 3D shape hunt- Take a walk around your house and draw and write all the 3D objects you can find. Tables- All take away tables. If you have time you can play the games on English Spellcheck: P62 and 63 Green Genie: p13-15 Handwriting: P30 and P31 Reading: […]
READ MOREMaths Mental Maths (Continue with the following weeks activities Monday to Friday review, including problem solving section) Some maths activities you could do at home with your children to get those brains working – See activities: Dice Train Magic V Teddy Town School Fair Necklaces English Spellcheck (Complete blocks 1-4 and linked activities for […]
READ MOREMaths Ordinal Number Choose four teddies/ dolls. Place them in a line, one behind the other, facing the same direction. Which one comes First, Second, Third, Last? If possible, write these words on post-its/ pieces of paper and place beside the correct teddy. Place the teddies facing in the opposite direction. Now which teddy comes first? […]
READ MOREMaths Number 10 · Find and count sets of 10, eg. 10 spoons, 10 crayons, 10 pictures, etc. · Practise writing the numeral 10 · Addition to 10- Butterflies’ Worksheet. · Busy at Maths, Senior Infants, pgs. 92, 93, 94 · · Maths/Counting games eg. Buzz, Higher or Lower · English Reading: […]
READ MOREMaths: 3D shapes; Cube, Cone, Sphere and Cylinder Please watch the video Now, let’s see if you can find any of these shapes in your home! Make a set of these shapes and count how many of each shape you found. Once you have completed this, let’s see which 3D shapes can roll. Have a […]
READ MOREMaths Recognise 1, 2, 5 and 10c coins Use different coins to make totals of 1c 2c 3c 4c 5c Play shop and use coins to buy different items which cost 1c 2c 3c 4c 5c Practise counting 1-10 (up and down) Using household objects practise counting groups of up to five objects e.g. spoons, […]
READ MOREActivities are in stages so choose the activity appropriate to your child. Each activity should not exceed 15 minutes. Section A Suggested activities for April 20th – 24th Maths Using paper circles with 1 – 10 inside, ask your child to place small items (buttons etc) inside the circle. Begin at 1 and continue to the number your child is […]
READ MOREDear Parents/Guardians, I hope that you are all well and managing to keep in good spirits, despite the difficult challenges that face us all at this time. We are putting up further work today for all classes for this week (20th to 24th April) which you can access here on the school website under the Children’s Work tab. When putting up this work […]
READ MOREThis is just to let you know that resources on Covid-19 that were already on the Department of Education website have been updated since the school closures. They are all in the Covid -19 section of the home page of the Department of Education I have posted the most recent updates here. […]
READ MOREDear Parents/Guardians, The Department of Health and the HSE have produced Covid-19 resources in a range of languages which you can access below: The languages currently available are Chinese, Italian, Spanish, French, Arabic, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Latvian and Lithuanian. Le meas, Paula Dargan Principal
READ MORE12 March, 2020 STATEMENT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SKLLS An announcement was made this morning by the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD of the closure of schools, pre-schools and further and higher education settings, for a period until 29 March 2020, to support efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19. This will take effect from […]
READ MORESection A Suggested activities for April 20th-24th Maths: 3D shapes; Cube, Cone, Sphere and Cylinder Please watch the video Now, let’s see if you can find any of these shapes in your home! Make a set of these shapes and count how many of each shape you found. Once you have completed this, let’s […]
READ MOREDear Parents/ Guardians, I hope that you are all keeping well and staying safe. This is a challenging time for us all, as we observe social distancing and are without so many of our normal, daily routines. As adults, we are finding it difficult to adapt and adjust to this new, curtailed way of living. However, it is even harder for young children, who may be very confused and worried at this time. It is up to us, to reassure them […]
READ MOREDear Parents/Guardians, I hope that you and your families are keeping well during this very difficult time. None of us have ever experienced anything like it before and it has presented many challenges for us all. I have no doubt that Covid-19 has put huge pressure on families, who are trying to manage child care, work, care of elderly relatives and in some cases the loss of employment. However, I know that in […]
READ MOREActivities are in stages so choose the activity appropriate to your child. Each activity should not exceed 15 minutes. Maths Using paper circles with 1 – 10 inside, ask your child to place small items (buttons etc) inside the circle. Begin at 1 and continue to the number your child is comfortable with. Each day continue to the […]
READ MOREDear Parents/Guardians, We hope you are all keeping well and staying safe in these unprecedented times. As you are aware, class teachers have already given work for your child but we intend to stay in touch with you re on-going work. This letter contains suggested activities for your child for the period 23rd– 27th […]
READ MOREThis year the girls in Rang a 5 worked incredibly hard on their Junior Entrepreneur Project. The girls learnt all about starting up their own business. They brainstormed ideas, worked as teams, conducted market research and produced the wonderful Mindflow pillow. This pillow was designed to help both children and adults “take a minute for […]
READ MOREIn March, Ms. Burns brought us on a walk to look for signs of spring. We saw birds and a nest. We saw buds and new leaves growing too.
READ MOREOur school is named after St. Brigid. Every year on the 1st of February we celebrate St. Brigid’s Day. Ms. Shine’s class sang “We Sing A Song to Brigid” and performed a drama for us all. Ms. O’Reilly’s class performed “Siyahamba (We are Marching)” for us too. And of course, we decorated our hall with beautiful […]
READ MORE10th January 2020 We are now taking enrolments for Junior Infants, for September 2020. The closing date for enrolment this year is February 14th. Any applications received after that date, will be placed on a waiting list. In line with the Department of Education staffing allocations, it is more than likely, that we will […]
READ MOREThis year Dublin won the All-Ireland Senior Football Championship for the fifth year in a row! We welcomed some of the players and the Sam Maguire Cup to our hall. We all sang “cockles and muscles and five in a row!” Some girls asked the players questions and our football team had their photo taken […]
READ MOREOur Sixth Class girls like to keep everything in perspective! A good idea for Art and a great idea for life!
READ MOREWe have been looking at signs of Autumn all around us. Look at the beautiful colours .
READ MOREThe girls in Fifth Class have been exploring Space. Look how beautiful it is!
READ MOREIn October, 9 girls from the 3rd and 4th classes travelled to Corduff Sports and Leisure Centre to represent the school in the FAI Futsal Tournament. Futsal is very similar to soccer, the main difference being it is played on smaller size pitches. For most of the 9 girls, it was their first time to […]
READ MOREWe have been learning all about healthy eating in Third Class. On Friday, we made some very healthy treats. We made delicious Oat Biscuits using oats, mashed bananas, milk, honey and dark chocolate. Yum!
READ MOREThe girls in Fourth Class have been reading Roald Dahl’s book, The Twits. They really enjoyed the story. They recommend this book to everyone who likes to curl up with a good book that will make you laugh!
READ MOREOur Sixth Class girls have been studying Impressionism – a style of painting which was popular in the 19th Century. Small brush strokes and an emphasis on light are hallmarks of this type of painting. Haven’t they captured the style very well in their own impressionist paintings?
READ MOREIn Scoil Bhríde (Cailíní) we have girls from all over the world in our school. Can you see your country in these photos?
Scoil Bhríde Cailíní
Church Avenue
Dublin 15
Phone: 01-8201717
Registered Charity Number: 20119003
© Copyright 2016
© Copyright 2020 Scoil Bhríde Cailíní